Pregnancy is a life-changing event, and adjusting to the way your body changes to accommodate the little life growing inside you can sometimes be difficult. Unfortunately, some of these changes can be quite debilitating, and many pregnant people will experience serious foot pain during the course of their pregnancy.

Plantar fasciitis is a common cause of foot pain in pregnant people and one that can keep you off your feet for extended periods, putting the health of you and your baby at risk. Podiatrists can offer a range of effective, minimally-invasive treatments for pain caused by plantar fasciitis, and it will help you stay fit, active, and pain-free until your child is born.

What Is Plantar Fasciitis?

The plantar fascia is a thick, strong band of connective tissue that runs along the sole of your foot, and connects your heel bone to your toes. It helps keep your feet rigid and absorb shocks while you are standing, walking, and running, and it also supports the arch of your foot, preventing it from collapsing.

While the plantar fascia is very tough and durable, it can become damaged by excessive or repetitive use. Physical stress can create tiny micro-tears in the fascia, causing it to become inflamed, tender, and painful. This is plantar fasciitis. 

Plantar fasciitis can cause sharp, stabbing pain in the heel and sole of your foot. This pain can be mild or excruciating, depending on how badly the fascia has been damaged. Pain is usually made worse by walking or exercise, and is often particularly bad in the mornings when you take your first steps of the day.

Why Are Pregnant People More Vulnerable To Plantar Fasciitis?

The heavier you are, the more pressure and strain are placed on your plantar fascia. This is why clinically obese people frequently develop plantar fasciitis, and it can also affect you during pregnancy, as you carry the ever-growing weight of your baby. If your baby is particularly large and heavy, or you are carrying more than one baby, you are even more vulnerable. 

The unavoidable weight gain you experience during pregnancy can also affect your gait and the way your feet move when you walk and run. Many pregnant people suffer from overpronation, a gait condition that causes your feet to 'roll' inwards when you walk. Overpronation can place your plantar fascia under even more strain, and may also cause other foot problems, such as Achilles tendinitis.

How Can Podiatrists Help?

If you are pregnant and experiencing the characteristic stabbing pain of plantar fasciitis, you should book an appointment with a podiatrist as soon as possible. These medical professionals will examine your feet, and if necessary use X-rays and other imaging equipment, to determine if your foot pain is caused by plantar fasciitis.

Because medications and painkillers can affect the health of your baby, your podiatrist will help relieve your pain in other ways. Ice compresses and compression bandages can help manage the swelling and pain caused by plantar fasciitis. Podiatrists will apply these treatments for you, and also teach you how to use compression bandages yourself.

Your podiatrist may also recommend a gentle stretching and physical therapy regime, designed to stretch the affected fascia without causing damage. These routines can help to reduce inflammation and promote blood flow towards the damaged tissues, allowing them to heal more quickly.

If gait problems are worsening your plantar fasciitis, your podiatrist can supply you with orthotic inserts. These specialized insoles are crafted individually for each patient and can be used with most types of footwear. They will provide your feet with added support, and gently reshape your feet to correct your gait problem, relieving pain and pressure.

For more information on plantar fasciitis treatment, contact a professional near you.
