Generally, it's pretty easy to tell when there is something wrong with your body. Foot problems, however, often go unnoticed and untreated because most people don't know what is normal or not. Here are signs you need to book an appointment with a foot specialist.

You Are Finding It Hard to Walk

It is the role of your feet to help you walk. Walking should always be comfortable and natural. Therefore, if you are experiencing difficulty walking, book an appointment with a foot specialist.

Sometimes the difficulty in waking could indicate your feet have internal problems. Consulting a foot specialist will help determine the root of the problem and get effective remedies or medication.

Excessive and Continuous Pain

Are you experiencing sharp or ongoing pain on your feet even when you haven't been standing for a long time? Running a long race without adequate preparation can cause pain. Nevertheless, sudden and excessive pain could indicate a serious problem with your feet, especially if it lasts more than a couple of days.

Different issues can cause foot or heel pain. A foot specialist can address the pain by performing an exam and taking X-rays to determine the course and develop a treatment plan.

You Are Diabetic or You Suffer from a Recurring Athlete's Foot

People who have diabetes have a higher chance of developing foot problems like infections and nerve damage. It is recommended for diabetics to see a foot specialist annually for a comprehensive foot exam to avoid suffering from foot conditions.

If you suffer from a recurring athlete's foot and over-the-counter medication hasn't been effective, it is time to see a foot specialist. A podiatrist can recommend effective creams or medication for the infection.

Swelling, Numbness, and Stiffness

Swollen feet are an indication you need to see a foot specialist. Swelling can cause pain, trouble walking, or difficulty in standing. It usually indicates the feet are reacting to an issue. Thus, if ignored, the swelling can worsen and cause additional problems.

While it is common to feel slight numbness in your feet, especially after sitting for long, you should see a podiatrist when the numbness becomes frequent and excessive. You should also see a foot specialist when your feet get stiff repeatedly.

Why You Should Avoid Self-Diagnosis and Consult a Foot Specialist

With easy access to the internet, most people's first course of action is to use search engines to get a diagnosis. However, different foot problems have similar symptoms. So, the diagnosis you get will likely be inaccurate. Therefore, always consult a foot specialist. 

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