Bunions are bumps that form on the sides of the toe, usually the big toe, and are caused by wearing shoes that don't fit properly, such as shoes that are too tight. The rubbing from shoes and pressure from tight shoes causes the big toe to push inward, causing the bone on the toe to protrude. Bunions can be painful, leaving you unable to do things you would do normally such as walking or exercising, or able to do them, but you end up in severe pain. Read on for information on how to treat bunions and how to prevent them in the first place.

Treating Bunions

Bunions are treated differently depending on the severity of the bunion. If the bunion is too severe or is causing you too much pain, surgery may be required. The bunion is shaved off and the foot is wrapped or a cast is used to help heal the foot. The toe will move back over, and the pressure is off of the rest of the toes. Another treatment that may be used includes wearing toe separators, which can help pull the big toe back into place. The bunion may also heal on its own. 

Preventing Bunions

Bunions can be prevented by wearing the right type of shoes for your feet. If you are wearing shoes that are too large or too small, it can lead to foot problems. Be sure your footwear fits your feet properly and cushion and protect your feet properly. If you have wide feet, make sure you are wearing shoes that are wide sized to accommodate this. If you aren't sure what type of shoes to wear for your feet, you can get to a podiatrist to help fit you for the proper type of shoes. Be sure your shoes also have proper support and cushion for your entire foot and arch of your foot. 

If you do end up with bunions on your toes, or if you think you have one starting on your foot, be sure to give your feet enough rest at night. Keep heels at a maximum of 2 inches to prevent worsening, avoid shoes such as flip flops that offer no support for your feet. Get to the podiatrist for treatment options to help heal your bunions and alleviate the pain you may be feeling due to your bunions. Don't live with this pain, go to a foot treatment center for a proper diagnosis and treatment.
